Types of Hackers
Hackers are mainly classified into three different categories:-
- White Hat Hackers: A person who has the ability to gain access to the system in a legal way is called a White Hat Hacker. Their main motive is to provide security. They mainly work under the permission given by govt. or by an authorized company. They are also known as Ethical Hackers.
- Black Hat Hackers: A person who has the ability to gain access to the system in an illegal way is called a Black Hat Hacker. Their main motive is to harm the system and steal sensitive information. They do not work under the govt. policies. They are also known as Crackers.
- Grey Hat Hackers: They are a blend of both White Hat and Black Hat Hackers. They act without malicious intent but for their fun, they exploit a security weakness in a computer system or network without the owner's permission or knowledge. Their intent is to bring the weakness to the attention of the owners and getting appreciation or a little bounty from the owners.
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